Hong Kong Studio by Exotica Dance HK based on Emily Ma

Summer Children’s Dance course ( Jazz, Hip Hop, Latin America / Brazilian) (暑期限定)

Course A (Age 5-12)
7月6日至8月24日(逢星期三) / 6July-24Aug(every Wed)
時間: 13:00 – 14:00 / Time: 13:00 – 14:00
(共8堂) / (Total 8 lessons)
Course B (Age 5-12)
7月7日至8月25日 (逢星期四) / 7July-25Aug (every Thu)
時間: 13:00 – 14:00 / Time: 13:00 – 14:00
(共8堂) / (Total 8 lessons)
Course C (Kids & Parent)
7月2日至8月20日 (逢星期六) / 2July-20Aug (every Sat)
時間13:00 – 14:00 / Time: 13:00 – 14:00
(共8堂) / (Total 8 lessons)

課程費用/Course Fee:$1,440

提早報名優惠 Early Bird Discount (on or before 15/6/11或之前) $1200

透過課程讓學員掌握舞蹈的基本技巧,而舞蹈是一種帶?量極高的運動,有助提升學員的節奏感,使他們從小就能維持正確的姿態,增加平衡感,改善他們的坐立姿勢,從而增強 自我信心及培養高貴氣質,令他們身心完美快樂地成長。除學習舞蹈上的知識外,又可學習與同學之間的共處、合作、合群,學習社交禮儀,並且加強腦部發展,激 發他們的學習潛能。
The programmed includes introductions to basic steps of Jazz, Hip Hop, Latin and Brazilian dance. It is one kind of high aerobic exercise; it also enhances participant’s musical, train up their confidence, social manner, and social skills. Good exercise for them to keep fit and keep a good posture. Train up their core muscles, and improved their balance skills.
Students can join the summer graduation ceremony performance (28 Aug 2011).

Address : Hong Kong Studio, 2/F, 62, Percival Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
地址 : 香港銅鑼灣波斯富街62號3樓
Tel/電話 : (+852) 9821 1223
Mail/電郵地址: exoticadancehk[at]hotmail.com